Are you tired of getting beauty treatments that only improve your wrinkles and other imperfections for a couple of weeks or months? If you are looking for a long-lasting, effective way to transform your skin, you should consider receiving Bellafill injections. At MD Beauty Labs in West Palm Beach, FL, we can use this cosmetic treatment to fill in your folds and erase your wrinkles.
How Long Does Bellafill Last?
If you have used injectables in the past, you already know that some of these products will only work for a very brief period of time. For example, when you use injectables to fade your crow’s feet, your smooth skin might last for three to four months. After your wrinkles begin to return, you’ll have to receive touch-up injections. In contrast, the effects of Bellafill may last for up to five years.
Instead of traveling to our office for regular injection appointments, you’ll be able to focus your energy on your family, work, and hobbies. During the next several years, you will be able to maintain your aesthetic improvements without spending your money on frequent touch-up sessions. Since this is a very cost-effective treatment, you will have more room in your budget for travel, entertainment, clothing, and other expenses.
Why Have Wrinkles Appeared on My Face?
At the beginning of your life, you had high amounts of a very important protein called collagen in your skin. This beneficial substance strengthens your skin and decreases your risk of developing lines. As you get older, the collagen proteins in your facial tissues will begin to decrease. This change will weaken your facial tissues and decrease your skin’s ability to stay firm and elastic. In addition, your facial glands will make less oil, and your skin will lose moisture.
If you spend a significant amount of time outdoors, your skin will also be exposed to the sun’s ultraviolet rays. These rays can cause your collagen proteins to degrade. This damage will cause you to age more quickly. As the structure of your skin changes, lines will begin to develop around your nose, mouth, and other facial features.
How Will This Injectable Product Improve My Skin?
This product contains microspheres that have been suspended in a collagen gel. These microspheres are made of a substance called polymethyl methacrylate, or PMMA. After we finish giving you injections, the collagen gel in this product will add volume to hollow locations in your skin. Increasing the volume in sunken areas of your face will make you look fresher and younger.
You will notice this result as soon as you exit our office in West Palm Beach. In addition to plumping your skin, this product will create more gradual changes in your face. The microspheres in this product will create a foundation in your skin. Over time, this foundation will increase your ability to make new collagen fibers. As your collagen fibers continue to improve, your lines and wrinkles will begin to fade away.
Am I Eligible for This Beauty Treatment?
If you are over the age of 21, you will probably be able to use this product to fade your wrinkles. During our first meeting, you should tell us about any allergies and health issues that you have. If you have an allergy to lidocaine or bovine collagen, you will not be able to use this dermal filler. In addition, you should not use this product if you have a bleeding disorder or a tendency to develop excessive or thick scars.
Before we provide your treatment, we can use a skin test to determine whether you are suffering from a bovine allergy. If you have a positive reaction to this test, you will not be able to receive this treatment, and we will recommend other injectables and cosmetic techniques for you.
What Should I Expect During My Appointment?
We can administer this anti-aging treatment in our office in West Palm Beach. We will start by assessing your lines and wrinkles. Next, we will carefully inject this long-lasting filler into your target areas. This product is made with a gentle anesthetic that will numb your tissues and allow you to relax while we are improving your wrinkles.
After we have injected a sufficient amount of this product into your treatment areas, we will put ice onto your face. Once you are ready, you can apply your makeup and leave our office.
Will I Need To Take a Break From My Work After I Get My Injections?
You won’t need to reschedule important meetings, miss project deadlines, or make other adjustments to your work after you get your injections. You can immediately drive back to your office and return to your work assignments. However, we will ask you to follow some easy rules during the next several days.
In particular, you should avoid drinking beer, wine, and other alcoholic beverages after you get this dermal filler. In addition, you should not go into a hot tub or receive a facial during your recovery period. To protect your skin, you should also avoid going running, cycling, and doing other high-intensity exercise routines for a while.
When Will My Skin Start To Improve?
Since the collagen gel in this unique product will immediately increase the volume in your target areas, you will see improvements in your skin as soon as your appointment is finished. During the next three to six months, the microspheres in this product will increase the number of collagen proteins in your skin. During this time, your skin will become plumper and smoother.
Will This Injectable Product Work for Men?
This dermal filler will produce lasting results for men and women. During the past several years, more and more men have begun using facials, injectables, and other beauty treatments to fade their lines and enhance their skin. In fact, millions of men have used dermal fillers to improve their appearance.
If you are a man who would like to erase your smile lines and achieve a stronger, more attractive look, you should consider using this product. Since this treatment may improve your appearance for up to five years, you will be able to enjoy the results of your injections for a long time.
Can I Purchase This Dermal Filler on My Own?
When you started looking for ways to renew your skin, you might have seen websites that claim to sell this dermal filler and other injectable products. These websites may promise to sell genuine fillers at very low prices. Although you might be eager to save money, you should never purchase injectables from these websites. In addition, you should not try to administer this product on your own.
When you receive this dermal filler at our West Palm Beach office, we will use our in-depth experience and knowledge to provide you with a comfortable experience. We will also protect your safety by reviewing your health and allergies before you receive your injections.
Can I Use Other Anti-Aging Techniques To Transform My Look?
In addition to providing you with Bellafill injections, we can use facials, beauty products, and many other techniques to give you a youthful, renewed appearance.
Signature Luminous Glow Facial
During this refreshing treatment, we will put a regenerating serum onto your skin. This serum will include a customized mixture of gentle acids and other beneficial ingredients. After you have received this serum, we will apply a hydrating mask onto your face and use LED light therapy to improve your skin. These extra steps will help the serum renew the tissues in your face.
After your facial is complete, you will have a hydrated, attractive appearance, and your pores, lines, and pigmentation problems will be less visible. To help you maintain these improvements, we will provide you with a collagen mask and a restoring serum to use in the comfort of your home. You should regularly apply these products during the next four weeks.
MD Beauty Labs Skincare Products
You can lower your risk of developing sun damage, lines, and other aesthetic problems by using our medical-grade skincare products. Many commercial beauty products are expensive and ineffective. For example, these products might contain harmful preservatives and chemicals. In addition, these products may temporarily moisturize your tissues without creating long-lasting changes in your complexion.
In contrast, our line of products contains concentrated formulas that include vitamins, peptides, antioxidants, and other useful ingredients. For example, we may advise you to use a cream to improve the appearance of your neck. Our creams contain anti-aging compounds and vitamins that can minimize your creases, firm your loose skin, and reduce the visibility of your age spots.
Silhouette Instalift
If you aren’t ready to receive a facelift, you should think about using Silhouette Instalift to contour your face. During this treatment, we will numb your tissues with a local anesthetic. Once you are ready, we will place specialized sutures into your skin. These sutures will lift your facial tissues and add youthful, natural-looking volume to your skin.
It will usually take us about 45 minutes to use our sutures to transform your skin. After we complete your Silhouette Instalift, your skin will look lifted and renewed. During the next eight to 12 weeks, your collagen will increase, and your face will become more voluminous. This beauty treatment will usually provide you with lifted, plump skin for 18 to 24 months.
Chemical Peels
If you have sun damage, scars, or pigmentation issues, you can improve these problems by getting a chemical peel. This effective treatment can also improve dull skin, large pores, and oily skin. During your peel, we will apply glycolic acid onto your skin. This useful acid will remove some of your dead skin cells and improve the texture and tone of your complexion.
Although it’s common to use a chemical peel to address imperfections on your face, we can also use peels to improve the skin on your hands, legs, neck, and other areas. We will adjust your chemical peel to match your unique aesthetic goals. If you have acne, blackheads, or other minor issues, we may give you a superficial peel. If you have sun damage, we may use a more powerful chemical solution during your peel.
Achieve Beautiful Skin
Receiving Bellafill injections will fade your wrinkles and renew the appearance of your skin. The benefits of this long-lasting treatment may continue for up to five years. If you are interested in achieving lasting changes in your lines and other imperfections, contact us at MD Beauty Labs in West Palm Beach, FL to set up an initial consultation.