Those who are looking for ways to achieve a younger appearance might want to look into the benefits of getting med spa services. If you are among this group, you can find ways to reverse some of the common signs of aging like lines and wrinkles, sagging of the skin and dark spots. With a variety of treatment methods available at our med spa, you can surely find the one that works best for you. Understanding how these therapies work becomes a little easier with some basic knowledge of what causes some of the common signs of aging.
Lines and wrinkles are among the most common signs of aging. As part of the aging process, your skin will start to loosen. This will necessarily cause wrinkles and lines to form as a way of taking up the slack that the loose skin created. All this happens because there is a drop in the amount of collagen that is present. Collagen is a protein in the skin that serves the purpose of providing fullness and keeping the skin looking tight. It is naturally produced by the body, but the levels at which it is made drop with age. A reduction in collagen means the skin starts to loosen.
While facelift surgeries are among the first things to come to mind when thinking about tightening the skin, there are non-surgical options available at our med spa that are effective without requiring downtime. They typically work by stimulating the body to tighten its own skin with an increase in the collagen level.
Collagen is produced in the layers of the skin beneath the surface. Treatments are often done that will focus energy at that level. As the tissue absorbs it, the energy will convert to heat. It is the heat that stimulates the skin to increase its rate of collagen growth. This is a gradual process that will take place over multiple months following the treatment. When the collagen has reached its peak, the skin will be tighter and look more like it did before age caused the skin to loosen.
There are so many amazing med spa services available at MD Beauty Labs in West Palm Beach. From professional facials to skin rejuvenation and body sculpting, there is no shortage of procedures to choose from. Contact us today to schedule a consultation to learn more!