Hanging out in West Palm Beach< is a blast, but it could be much nicer when you fit better into a great-looking bathing suit. Before you will be able to do that, it will require that you lose weight and get into shape. While getting into shape is a matter of making time for the gym and getting consistent results from more exercise, actually losing weight has always been something of a bitter challenge. In fact, losing weight is a battle you simply do not know how to win; however, a friend told you about the HCG diet, and you thought maybe it will help you achieve the same quick weight loss results they reached on this diet. After seeing it again on the Dr. Oz Show, you became even more interested in trying out this diet.
What is HCG?
HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is a hormone that women produce during pregnancy. This hormone has the ability to significantly suppress the natural urge to be hungry. As you can imagine, this is a desirable property inherent within an easily injectable hormone that can help many people in West Palm Beach who suffer with massive weight gain due to overeating. By suppressing the urge to eat, this makes it possible for people taking these injections to go through their day without the feeling of constant hunger around every corner. With this urge significantly controlled, this makes HCG the obvious choice to serve as the foundation of a diet that can help those struggling with weight loss to finally make the effort to achieve their weight loss goals.
What is the HCG Diet?
Many years ago, the HCG diet became known as a rapid way to achieve weight loss. This diet originally involved a strict regimen of daily HCG injections in conjunction with an equally strict low-calorie diet. It is important to understand how HCG plays a role in contributing to weight loss, and new approaches to this diet are more flexible with calorie restrictions to better fit an individual’s daily caloric needs. With this latter modification, this made it possible for more people to stick to the diet for the long-term.
Make an appointment at MD Beauty Labs in West Palm Beach to see if the HCG diet can work for you. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation!