Sculptra is a remarkable weapon in our arsenal for the war against aging skin. It actually helps restore some of the collagen that your body isn’t producing as it did in younger years. Though it takes weeks or months for the full effect to be complete, it is worth the wait. Sculptra in West Palm Beach can last for up to two years and many find the results stunning.
Not Everyone Is A Good Candidate For Sculptra
Those who are immuno-compromised or who suffer from auto-immune problems should not consider Sculptra. Pregnant, breastfeeding or younger than 18? Sculptra is not for you. If you have any skin outbreaks, redness or rashes, you should wait until those conditions resolve and then see us for an evaluation.
Sculptra in West Palm Beach is not ideal for those who are prone to keloid formation, which is simply an overgrown scar, most often found in those with darker skin. Likewise, a history of hypertrophic scarring would preclude a patient from using Sculptra. In both cases, the body “overheats and produces too much tissue around the site of an injury or a surgical site.” This is an excess amount of collagen and therefore would not be beneficial considering Sculptra causes the production of collagen. These are, however, conditions that we can treat for you.
If you are taking blood thinners, aspirin or other anti-inflammatories and medications, we recommend you talk to your primary care or prescribing physician before seeing us.
So, Who CAN Be Treated With Sculptra?
The ideal Sculptra in West Palm Beach patient is in generally good health, practices wise nutrition and has not worshipped the sun or used tobacco. The better you have taken care of your skin, the better the result with Sculptra. Of course, Sculptra will also help those who have not been the best stewards of their own skin as well. Even elderly skin can benefit from Sculptra.
Patients who are willing to wait for the result to realize fully, and who cooperate with self-massage after treatment, are the happiest with Sculptra. Over time, you will see improvements in volume, contour, and reduction of lines and wrinkles, and no one will ask you if you had a facelift.
We want you to look beautiful and we want you to feel beautiful.
Contact us to find out if Sculptra in West Palm Beach is a treatment that would be appropriate for you.